Thursday, May 27, 2010

just a little change of perspective

Today I learned that people talk to themselves in “self-talk” anywhere from 150 to 300 words a minute.

So in the car, as hyper sensitive as I usually am, I’m thinking…

Turn here (1), not too sharp (2), keep my purse from falling over (3), put on your seatbelt (4), light, come on…, speed up, stupid driver, when does the produce stand open?, I wonder when my meeting starts, why does my phone die all the time, wash car, pick up library books…

I don’t know where the general public falls on self-talking, but I am definatly on the higher end of personal narrative numbers.

So, these thoughts have been following me through my day and I have realized that in light of my “don’t think less of yourself; but think of yourself less” theme-most of my soliloquies are focused on my “feelings.”

I feel tired; I feel out of shape, I wonder if I will ever FEEEEL like getting out of bed early. I love when I feel relaxed. I am feeling on top of the world…until I feel defeated.

So, in this realization I realized that while I have always known that people are their own worst critics…we also talk to ourselves like we would never think of speaking to someone else.

In my effort to not be judgmental and speak only positive or encouraging words-I forgot to consider how I speak to myself.

I FEEL conversations should be I AM conversations.

When I feel defeated, I AM a winner.

When I feel unattractive or out of shape, I AM created wonderfully.

When I feel afraid, I AM more than a conqueror.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10