Monday, January 25, 2010

In my office, in my purse, in the mirror...

I have written about it, offered it up as advice and even regurgitated it to myself but I still need to listen...grasp it. So, for my benefit…

The only way that we can be positive that our lives work the way that God planned, is if we trust him with EVERYTHING.

Solomon gives three times when it is imperative to trust God in Proverbs 3.

1. When life takes an unexpected turn…aka-completely new job that you know will come to an end, having a peace about something that sets your mind in turmoil, and committing yourself to his financial principles even when “your way” seems to be working fine. I know that I don’t have to understand.

2. When you have no idea of what our future holds and yet God has commanded us to trust and obey regardless of how dreary or uncertain. I don’t have to understand, he will make sense of it for me.

3. When you are faced with decisions regardless of how big, small, urgent, long term or minute. If we consult him on every decision, he will guide. God will straighten my path by giving me a sense of identity.

God does not have my life on auto pilot and knows exactly what is ahead regardless of what the instruments read.

While there are walks, jumps and leaps of faith…none of them are blind. God has never failed.