I am 104 miles away and the ride is dragging on,
The condensation rolling down from icy windows in a van that is too warm.
I am on the back seat like when I was young and "cool."
On the bus with cliques and couples riding home from public school.
The bumpy road and jarring teeth bring a familiar pain into my head,
and I'm wide awake in exhaustion as every other sleeps deeply in their temporary makeshift bed.
We have traveled across the entire state, in circles several times,
and yet we still have five or more before we've covered the "below I-10" line.
Guidelines, questions, Programs, exceptions my mind is racing still;
and I know that this speed will stick, as I'm only half way up the hill.
I'm learning-living, giving all that I have the power to give,
but I am growing weary; and life on fumes is no way to live.