I wish that I could bottle up your smell
From behind your ears, and never tell.
I would pull if from your chin and neck
when you were sleeping and would not suspect.
I wish I could steal away your smell,
from the air you breath in the one nostril where-
you whistle at night and sigh and snore
and your nose would need not attract me any more
I want to take from your chest your smell,
Where there is only warmth, and no hair
I would sweep it all down to your belly button
and draw it out and leave it nothing.
And when you’ve tossed your clothes aside
And you jump in the shower, ill be outside
Waiting to capture all the scent left there
From your hoodie and jeans till they were bare
Then unsuspecting you would towel off,
brush your teeth-search for matching socks;
you would never guess that I would be
In the shower stealing all the smell you left me
And as always, we would seize the day
and I’d hide my bottle-so you couldn’t take it away
And I’d take care not to let it drop,
or slip and fall and loosen the top.
And dinner and singing and laughing would come
as sighs and yawns fall from our tongues;
and as we find ourselves drifting to sleep,
I’d bottle up your last breath,
as you whisper that you love me