Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Wednesday

So my day started at 5 am...I awoke to "EA Sports...It's in the game!" Apparently my tenant enjoys early morning Madden. Belle brought me a little mouse I bought her yesterday that she is pretty proud of. I tried to pretend that my sister telling me she was pregnant was a dream-but it wasn't. I wanted to stay home and clean, buy more things to mail my nephews for school, paint my mud room...anything-but come to work. But, as most of my inner circle knows...I dont have that option. So, I cried. I thought about how I was looking forward to school for the first time in my life. I looked over at my new 50 inch plasma and thought about how much fun my Sex In The City Marathon will be with the girls this week and was not enough to make me excited to come to work.
Before i knew it, it was after 7 and I had 30 minutes to get ready. I did the "speed of light shower" thing that I have become so accustomed to and threw on a polo dress-my old standby-for the second day in a row.
I recieved 58 emails last night and 7 text messages-I chose to ignore them all until I arrived at work. The real coke and Oatmeal Cream pie for breakfast helped for about five minutes until I calculated the calories. (I have gained six pounds btw.)
But, I am here and smiling my usual smile, excercising my usual wit to the usual suspects counting down until I, very unusually...get to leave for lunch.